STL writings on the stall Headline Animator

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Yesterday, a 3-year old boy was left in a van for over a hour while on a field trip with Happy Go Lucky Daycare,on Airport Rd across from Imos. Apparently, they forgot the child after they arrived at the Science Center,caring two separate van loads of children. The boy had no serious injuries. But this is plain negligence. This is not the first thing gone bad at this daycare. They've had complaints of not feeding their children proper meals, letting the children fight each other. There is no one properly trained there to administer medicine to children with asthma or other conditions. They have no structure. And this is a state paid facility. I think they needed to be investigated!


Councilman Dave Beckering, 7Th Ward, sponsored a bill to amend the current firework law. Under the proposed bill fireworks would be limited to sparklers and non-reporting, non-exploding fountains only on private property during 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. The city's current ordinances allow anyone older than 16 to fire off a host of pyrotechnics within the city limit, including "firecrackers, fireworks, torpedoes, bombs, rockets, pinwheels, fire balloons, Roman candles, toy cannons, toy pistols" and others.The proposed change keeps the 16-year age limit for those allowed to light fireworks, and prohibits anyone from lighting any fireworks on city land without a permit from the mayor. I believe if this bill is passed, it still want stop people from buying and lighting fireworks in and around the St. Louis/St. Charles area.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Watch out drivers, Overland will be having a sobriety check. Overland Police Department Spokesman Cpl. Scott Barthelmass announced this morning that the department will be posting sobriety checkpoints on Friday, July 27, and Saturday, Aug. 4. Both checkpoints will run from 10 p.m. until 3 a.m. and will be at locations within the city of Overland. Barthelmass said he would not disclose those locations. They do these check points to catch drunk driver and people under the influence, but they also catch a lot of people with warrants and suspended license. Be careful!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


If your daughter's like mine she probably has an Easy Bake Oven. Well, they have been recalled for the second time in less than a year, government safety advocates announced on Thursday. In February Easy Bake's parent company, Hasbro Inc., recalled 985,000 of the toys because children were getting their hands and fingers trapped in the front opening, and some were burned. At that time, Hasbro offered a free repair kit to improve the oven's safety.

Since the first recall there has been 249 additional reports of children getting their hands caught and 16 reports of second, third-degree burns. Even a 5 year old had to have a partial amputation on her finger.The company is urging all owners to contact Easy Bake and exchange their ovens for a Hasbro product voucher. For more information, oven owners can call 800-601-8418 or visit or .


The stripper from the incident on Poplar Street Bridge is now charged with giving a false police report. Jasmine Wright, 19, of St. Louis, originally said she was beaten and raped by the driver but later admitted she had sex for money and — naked from the waist down — jumped in the stolen car Justin Patizius-Leslie, 19, of Brentwood was driving and started to beat his ass for not giving Wright, her money after they smoked and had sex in her car on the lot of the Red Roof Inn off Hampton and 44. My thoughts is that she should have knew his ass was broke when he didn't get them a room and they were already in the park in lot. Her fault.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Lil Boosie bad azz is going to be at the Loft on Thursday.


After amateur night at the Pink Slip on Monday, one of the 19 year old strippers tried to sell some pussy to this dude on a motel parking lot once she got off. After they did the do, old boy decided not to pay and tried to drive off. Unfortunately, he didn't remember to lock the doors and the stripper jumped in and started beating his ass while he was driver a cross the Poplar Street Bridge. The driver eventually decided to pull over and ran to another car for help. He asked the driver of the van to take him to the hospital but the police had already witness some of the accident and pulled the van over and locked old boy up. The police said at first the girl said she had been raped (she was still undressed). But eventually told the truth that she willingly consented to sex for money. They should have locked her ass up for being dumb! If your going to sell pussy, you should know the first rule:GET YOU MONEY FIRST!


Sorry people! I have a life. I can't report everything all the time. But, I'm back from my little vacation. Hope you missed me. I missed you!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Okay, there's lots of things happening this weekend, you know with the concert and all.




Hey, all my professionals and local socialites 1ST Friday's is this week. It will be held at The Chase Park Plaza @ 9 p.m. Friday in the hotel's Star Light Rooftop and Penthouse, North Kingshighway and Lindell Boulevard. Ladies get in free until 10pm.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


The state Board of Education voted to remove Riverviews accreditation for the second time in three months. The Board has finally decided to knock the Riverview Gardens district from provisional to unaccredited status. Now, this comes after the Board of Education has taken over the City schools, and an appointed board began running those schools last week. in Riverviews' case it's more likely that the board would create new options for where students attend school rather than appoint a board of their own. This may be a good thing if the board decides to bus the children to different, and better school districts.

assc press

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


T-Pain will be having a two club jam tomorrow starting at Society and ending at Blackmon's Plaza.


Since June 14Th there has been four deaths at Lake of the Ozarks. This makes a total of seven this year. And all have been reported as involving alcohol. Six of this year's victims drowned and the seventh was killed in a boating accident. It was said by water patrol,Rad Talburt, that most if not all seven deaths could have been prevented if those involved worn life jackets and abstained from drinking alcohol.

The four victims from the Ozarks:
-- Divers pulled the body of Mary Rembold from the lake around 8 p-m Thursday. The patrol says the 43-year-old Roach woman had jumped off the back of a boat without a life jacket about six hours earlier.
-- At 10:40 p.m. Thursday, Rodger Spooner was attempting to put a life jacket on when he fell into the water. The body of the 45-year-old Stover man was recovered Saturday afternoon.
-- At 6 p-m Saturday, Jonathan Snyder was reported missing in an area known as "Party Cove." The body of the 25-year-old Pennsylvania man was found Sunday afternoon.
-- The body of 21-year-old Juan Howell of Richland was found yesterday near a dock where he was last seen.


Moline Acres new mayor, Fred Hodges was on a firing frenzy today. He fired Sgt. Courtland Bey and chief G.T. Walker, who he already replaced with chief Gregory Moore. Some at the department say it's personal and other people saying it's a political thing. However, if the officer now what's best they should stay on his good side.



Huey's new CD Notebook Paper was released yesterday. I haven't listen to it yet but I am really feeling his first single "When I Hustle" featuring Lloyd. Huey did an article in SOHH. In the article he was explaining how Nelly ain't shit and how arrogant he is. He discuss how he could get support from artist in other cities and none from a leading artist in his own hometown. This is not the first we've heard of Nelly acting this way. I've ran into Nelly on several different occasions and he always acts like a stuck up b*tch. In Vegas he acted so stank with people. He showed up late and refused to take pictures with people that came to support him. That's why Chingy had problems with him.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Okay, I found out that Styles was locked up and release on bond for a dope indictment. Not because he's been charged with giving out the package. I don't know for sure if he has AIDS or not but what I do have to say is be careful. St. Louis is way to small,we've all ran threw a couple of the same people already and when this news broke too many people was concerned just for the hell of it(I don't think so). Condoms are to cheap not to buy and if you don't like to us them settle down then! I'm done preaching for now.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Last night I started to get wind of a rumor that Styles(the guy in the club with the turbine and sandals) was infecting numerous people(both men and women) with HIV. Is this true? I've been checking around for factual stories, but all I can get is facts from the streets. Anyway, once I know you'll know.

HAVE A GOOD FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kimora was at the A Mighty Heart premiere after party yesterday with her new boo boo.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


This news isn't all that new but Kimora is now dating Dijimon. Here are pics.


Of course, you'll know Akon was born in St. Louis and lived here for his early years. Well, he has been getting a lot of attention lately. He was recorded at a Trinidad club humping the hell out of this fourteen year old girl. Since then Verizon Wireless pulled ringtones featuring Akon and cancelled sponsorship on the tour he was the opening act for Gwen Stefani. Now, his ass made a song saying his so sorry to everyone. I personally believe he doesn't owe anyone an apology accept his wife(wives). Her parents are responsible for her being in a club underage, as well as the club staff. I think the song is trash. But, you take a listen.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I'm so pissed at Riverview Gardens School Dist! They are complete idiots. You may ask why am I concerned. My answer is because this damn school district is causing me to pay for private school next school year, because they have the worst resources and teaching abilities. And, I know there are lots of other parents in St. Louis County that feel the same way. So, your really going to be pissed when you here this...

I found out that Riverview is still paying Superintendent Henry Williams $13,300 a month in salary and $700 a month in car allowances. And, if you remember correctly, he was removed three months ago for misusing school funds.(that was being to nice) He was using school money to give to his daughter and trick on his girlfriend as well as roughly $150,000 to his own savings plans. He spent thousands of district dollars on trips, office art, cash advances and theater tickets. Theater tickets?

The school district sent me a letter this year saying how they couldn't afford summer school for the elementary schools, but they're still paying a crook. The school district said Williams contract states he has to have a hearing first, until then he still gets $$$. How did he get into this position anyway. Considering he already had professional problems elsewhere. In the early 1990s, Williams had to gather community support in Syracuse, N.Y., to stop board members from removing him, said former district officials there. In 1995, the Little Rock, Ark., board voted not to extend Williams' contract. Williams requested more than $160,000 in bonus and trust fund payments and threatened to sue when the district wouldn't pay. In 1998, the Kansas City School Board wanted to remove Williams but had to buy out his contract, paying Williams $15,000 in severance, plus the remainder of his $164,500 salary. Now, they can't even find any documents of such misuse of funds to take Williams to court. So will continue to pay til his contract ends on June 30,2009.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


O.K. STL, I've been doing my research and I've found some great places to go this summer, for free. This way you save money and look like the World's Best Parent. Also, if you a cheap ass, this is for you.

Vlasis Park

This park is ideal for summer fun! Both for children and adults. If your low on funds and still want to take your family out for fun in the sun this is the place to go. And the best thing is it's free. This park features the normal park amenities, but it also has water jets shooting from the ground. You can dress the kids in swimwear so they can crawl, hide, swing and jump around several playground structures set on a rubberized floor.Where to go and whom to call: Vlasis Park is north of Manchester Road between Seven Trails Drive, Ball Park Drive and Holloway Drive.Map For information about renting a pavilion for a private party, call the Ballwin Pointe at 636-227-8950

Grant's Farm

This is a oldie but goodie. I remember when I was taken here as a kid and it's still a good choice for my kids today.Where to go and whom to call:Grant's Farm is at 10501 Gravois Road between Grant Road and Musick Road.Admission of course is free but parking is not $8 for cars and $20 for buses and recreational vehicles.More info(314) 843-1700 or Grants Farm. The website is a great resource. It not only lists hours and special events, bit has facts on each of the unique animals and offers a panoramic view of the grounds.

The Muny/Free seats at the Muny

The Muny is an outdoor theater in Forest Park. Roughly 1,500 free seats are available for every Muny show. If you don't want to risk not getting a seat, single tickets cost $9- $62, depending on location. Season tickets are $49-$441.Lines for the free seats could form as early as 5 p.m. But for many, it's more like 6:30 p.m. Gates open at 7 o'clock, and shows start at 8:15 p.m. The entrance is accessible from the parking lot at the rear of the theater. Bring your own food and drinks in a soft-sided cooler (glass and aluminum are not allowed), or concessions are for sale.2007 Muny season:June 18: "Oklahoma"June 25: "Grease,"July 9: "Hello, Dolly"July 16: "Peter Pan"July 23: "The Pajama Game"July 30: "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" Aug. 6: :Les Miserables"

Twilight Tuesdays
Forest Park has the popular outdoor concert series at the Missouri History Museum, where you can get your groove on. People says the concerts draw between 800 and 1200 people each. It's recommended arriving early. "People start getting here as early as 5:30 to get parking and a great seat," she said. "Also, it's a great family friendly event. There are lots of kids wandering around. It's a nice laid-back event, although some people can get elaborate. A lot of people bring candelabras." Performers include: June 12 — Arvell & Company cover tunes from the legendary band Earth, Wind & Fire. .June 19 — The Fabulous Motown Revue recreates the Motown soul experience.
When, where & what's to eat-The musical guests will perform from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. just north of the Missouri History Museum at Lindell and DeBaliviere in Forest Park. If you're looking for something ready-made and slightly gourmet, Patty Long Catering will be on hand dishing up delectable fare and drinks.

Summer Nite Concerts -- St. Charles

Hot Summer Nights on North Main Street in St. Charles returns with six monthly events. Live bands will perform on one Saturday each month, beginning this weekend and ending Oct. 13.Restaurants will place tables outside on the sidewalks and street so diners can enjoy eating outdoors and listening to the live music. The 100 to 300 blocks on North Main will close to motor traffic to accommodate seating in the street. If you want to look like somewhat of a romantic, this is a good date idea! The events run from 5 to 11 p.m.; music begins at 7 p.m. and of course, admission is free.Schedule-Saturday — Salsa Night with El Caribe Tropical, June 23 — Blues Night with the Rockin' Jake Band, July 28 — Country Night with the Linemen, Aug. 25 — New Orleans Jazz, featuring Cornet Chop Suey, Sept. 22 — California Wine Night with the Pulsators, Oct. 13 — Fiesta Night with Javier Mendosa, Highlights — Dining under the stars, themed music, browse the galleries and specialty shops. Information — 636-946-7776 or visit historic st. charles.

Parties in the Park

The location is Shaw Park, near the intersection of Brentwood Boulevard and Forsyth Avenue. The dates left are June 13, July 11, Aug. 8 and Sept. 12. Parties start at 5 p.m. and end at 8 p.m. If your single,like me, and looking for a young professional, like me, you'll like this. Live music is featured at each party, and area restaurants sell appetizers at a food booth. Drinks, both alcoholic (beer, wine and mixed drinks) and non-, are for sale. All sales are on a cash basis. The dress code is business attire, but a fair number of people show up in jeans and shorts.

Hispanic Festival

The Greater St. Louis Hispanic Festival is an invariably festive experience. Among its attractions are live entertainment, arts and crafts, a children's pavilion, informational booths — and fabulous food, including authentic tamales, tacos and empanadas. At press time, information about this year's schedule of musical acts was not available. Starts August 10-12; 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday-Saturday and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, At: Soldier's Memorial Park in downtown St. Louis. Admission-Free. More info — 314-837-6100 or hispanicfestival.

Now, I know I probably forgot something, but damn it I'm tired.

Friday, June 8, 2007


Sorry there's be no blogs this week. I'm not feeling so hot. so here's the short version of what's going on this weekend;
  • JUNE 9TH-Celebrity White Party @ Society
  • JUNE 8/9Th- Talent @ Laughs on the Landing

There is probably a lot more going on but I don't have the time today. SORRY


Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I'm not a big baseball fan but I love to watch Pujols. He is the finest player the cards have and you can watch them play tonight at 7:10pm on FSN.


The Rams have released veteran cornerback Jerametrius Butler, who was a starter in the 2003 and 2004 seasons before a knee injury derailed his career.Butler’s final highlight with the Rams came last Oct. 8 in Green Bay, when he recovered a Brett Favre fumble with less than a minute remaining and preserved a 23-20 victory[more]


Thursday, May 31, 2007


Since we're on the subject of Beyonce, here's a picture I found on rhymeswithsnitch. I really hope she keeps here privates private when she come to St. Louis. If people wanted to see somebodies monkey they would go to The Bottoms Up, it's much cheaper!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


If you haven't heard yet, Beyonce is coming! There are still tickets available. If you haven't bought yours yet, this is the time to still get good seats. B always gives a good performance and she's bringing that fine ass, white boy, Robin Thicke. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, May 26, 2007


The Gypsy Caravan is celebrating it's 35Th year on Memorial Day, Monday 28Th. Start time is 7am-9am for early bird shopping & 9am-5pm for general admission. This is the Midwest largest antique,craft and flea market. It's held downtown, North and West of Union Station, near Market and 20Th. The best part about the Caravan is the food! They'll have things such as kettle corn,jerk chicken, funnel cake, pulled pork and a host of other foods. For a complete listing of food vendors click on the link.

Friday, May 25, 2007


OK, here's what to do this weekend.

  • May 25Th- Club Posh@ Euclid 9pm-1:30am

  • May 26Th-Jack Daniels Party @ The Pepper Lounge/ Young Buck @Blackmons Plaza

  • May 27Th-Last Sunday Party @C.W.E Bed&Breakfast



Let me start by saying," You sure can tell when an event is in driving distance." STL turned out in abundance, but not to support Cory for the fight. Most people took the cheap route and hung out on Beale Street. PEOPLE, if this trip set you back a couple of months, you didn't belong there!

The Fight was not what I expected. It was a little boring. Cory did better in this fight than he did in his fight against Judah. It look like he had a chance at winning. I was proud of him.

Shopping in Memphis was horrible. You couldn't find sh*t! They had this one mall that was worst than NW Plaza. It was really sad. The best mall they had was the Wolf chase Galleria and I would compare that to the Galleria here. Even thought their malls didn't have anything for us city folks the STL was still sh*tting on everybody. Mississippi, was pretty deep too. And might I add that we've been sleeping on them. They bought up the VIP and had that good, good too. All and all I didn't see anything unusual. Everything was cool and peaceful.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I'm happy to announce that Majic Cruise will be starting again on Fri. May 25th. I've done this cruise at least twice for the past few years and I enjoy myself every time. This cruise is ideal for first dates and if you enjoy doing something other than a club on a Friday night. A DJ from Majic 104.9 will host the cruises and for $20ea it's all-inclusive. You get about 2 1/2 hrs of dining and dancing on the Mississippi River.


If you haven't noticed yet the hair weave in the Lou has gone up. That's right. The hair for braids went up too. As, if gas prices wasn't enough. I think we need to buy in bulk, but i also been looking into other options such as wigs. I've found out about these bad ass wigs called Celebrity Style Wigs. You can dye them, perm them and part them anyway you like. This is the same wigs B., Trina, Tyra and Ciara wear. It comes with baby hair and you can do any updo you like. I'm about to customize me one and I'll let you know how it turns out.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


OK, I almost forgot to let y'all know that Florissant Police have been out like crazy on the HWY today and on the bridge at Washington &Elizabeth at I-270. I don't know how long they will be out like crazy but they have one police on the bridge using the radar and the other will pull you over. If you know you ain't right be careful around that area and don't ride dirty!


So for those who'll be in the Lou this weekend here are some places you may want to go to;
  • May 18th- Reggae Splash @ Mercury Bar 7-1am
  • May 19th- Laughs on the Landing hosted by Freetime Ent starts @9:30pm
  • May 20th- May Day after Party @Blackmons Plaza featuring DJ Unk starts @11pm
  • May 20th- Absolute Sundays @609 opens @7pm


Cory is fighting this weekend in Memphis against Jermain Taylor. Now, I hope our boy don't have a repeat from the fight with Judah. Maybe this time he actually trained to fight instead of dance. And, I don't mean when he danced to the ring with Nelly. I actually have a first hand account of seeing him frequent a certain club on the Eastside during the time he should have been training. Any who, if your planning a last minute trip to go support(or kick it,it's May in Memphis) there is still tickets available onhttp://
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