STL writings on the stall Headline Animator

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I'm so pissed at Riverview Gardens School Dist! They are complete idiots. You may ask why am I concerned. My answer is because this damn school district is causing me to pay for private school next school year, because they have the worst resources and teaching abilities. And, I know there are lots of other parents in St. Louis County that feel the same way. So, your really going to be pissed when you here this...

I found out that Riverview is still paying Superintendent Henry Williams $13,300 a month in salary and $700 a month in car allowances. And, if you remember correctly, he was removed three months ago for misusing school funds.(that was being to nice) He was using school money to give to his daughter and trick on his girlfriend as well as roughly $150,000 to his own savings plans. He spent thousands of district dollars on trips, office art, cash advances and theater tickets. Theater tickets?

The school district sent me a letter this year saying how they couldn't afford summer school for the elementary schools, but they're still paying a crook. The school district said Williams contract states he has to have a hearing first, until then he still gets $$$. How did he get into this position anyway. Considering he already had professional problems elsewhere. In the early 1990s, Williams had to gather community support in Syracuse, N.Y., to stop board members from removing him, said former district officials there. In 1995, the Little Rock, Ark., board voted not to extend Williams' contract. Williams requested more than $160,000 in bonus and trust fund payments and threatened to sue when the district wouldn't pay. In 1998, the Kansas City School Board wanted to remove Williams but had to buy out his contract, paying Williams $15,000 in severance, plus the remainder of his $164,500 salary. Now, they can't even find any documents of such misuse of funds to take Williams to court. So will continue to pay til his contract ends on June 30,2009.

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